Saturday, August 28, 2021

Cosplay Gallery Spotlight: Jannet Incosplay

The Cosplay Gallery Spotlight is not an interview, but merely a collection of images featuring a choice cosplayer to help introduce fans to them and their work. These images from the cosplayer's shared social media posts.

Today we are looking at Jannet Incosplay

Enjoy this gallery of 18 amazing images.

If you wish to find more of her work, check her out on:



Official Website: 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Q&A interview with Kate Key Cosplay

Where are you from?

I am from Zaragoza, Spain!

How long have you been cosplaying?

I started out very young, about 10 years ago. It has been 10 years of fun at events, photo shoots, conventions, and it was hard too in a lot of different ways! Cosplay has marked my whole life.

How did you first become interested in the hobby?

Well, it started in a fairly simple, but powerful way. As a young girl, I was browsing YouTube when suddenly I came across a video of Sakura-Con. I was absolutely amazed. Those people looked like, no, WERE my favorite video game and anime characters! In my country there was nothing like that, and I was totally amazed by what I saw. I also wanted to be there, and not only that, I also wanted to BE one of my favorite characters. That day, going to Sakura-Con with a cosplay became one of my dreams. Then more have been added, haha. And that's how it all started!

What are some characters that you have cosplayed?

It's funny, I was recently asked the same question on Instagram, but with the letters of the alphabet. And I realized that I have at least one cosplay for each letter. And it's not even close to the real number, which I don't even know. Maybe more than 100?

What are some of your future cosplay plans?

Well, I have to say that this information is confidential. But because it's you, I could tell you that summer is coming in my country, and that I like DVA and Esdeath so much. Let's see what happens!

What's your biggest cosplay pet peeve?

I believe I don't have many! Just starting with "the hardest" part. Because if the most difficult part looks bad when I will finish it, the rest of the cosplay probably too. Usually are helmets or breast armors.

Any advice for someone who might just be starting out in the hobby?

Yeah! Do whatever you want and enjoy it! Be logical with your projects, don't try to start with a really hard huge cosplay but if you love a character, style, or just the costume... do it and have fun! Make it, buy it, go conventions or just for photos at home. Cosplay is different for each person and no matter what other people can say to you about that, enjoy the cosplay world as you want.

Favorite movie? Video game? TV show? Band? 

Very difficult! My favorite saga is Underworld, but I can't choose only one because all of them are amazing! Dark and vampire vibes are my life hehe. About videogame definitely Zelda's saga is the best for me, maybe Twilight Princess is my favorite there because I love Midna, but Phantom Hourglass is great too! The first game I ever played.

I love many shows like Big Bang Theory and Modern Family...and I can't choose a band, but I love rock, metal, techno and dubstep so much!

Outside of cosplay, what are some of your other hobbies?

I really like video games and anime. I love going out to restaurants, cinema... I guess like any girl. I also really like nature and having outdoor adventures. And of course, traveling! My BIGGEST dream is travel to Japan. And when I'm not cosplaying, I like to box!

Where can fans find more of you?






Saturday, August 14, 2021

Cosplay Gallery Spotlight: Chiquitita Cosplay

The Cosplay Gallery Spotlight is not an interview, but merely a collection of images featuring a choice cosplayer to help introduce fans to them and their work. These images from the cosplayer's shared social media posts.

Today we are looking at Chiquitita Cosplay.

Enjoy this gallery of 18 amazing images.

If you wish to find more of her work, check her out on:




Tuesday, August 3, 2021

SuicideGirl Gamer of the Month: Diskatea (Hopeful)

Why did you choose the name "Diskatea"?

Diskatea is actually a combination of my real name, Kate, and a video game series I love, Disgaea. Video games are a huge part of my life so it felt appropriate to represent them in my user name.

How long have you been a part of SuicideGirls?

My debut set came out in December 2020, and I am going to continue submitting content to go pink and beyond! I hope to provide enjoyable content through cosplay and other unique themes for sets. 

Where are you from?

I currently live in Dallas, Texas.

What first got you interested in video games? 

My older brother and I grew up playing games together. I’ve always had a friendly contest in my head to be better than him, but he was the main reason I started gaming. I still think he is better at any game I could ever pick up. The quest for greatness continues.

What are some characters that you have cosplayed?

My first cosplay was of Yuna in her Songstress dressphere from Final Fantasy X-2, but I’ve also cosplayed A.B.A. and Dizzy from the Guilty Gear series, Quiet from Metal Gear Solid V, and my latest cosplay that has yet to be worn to a convention due to Covid-19 is the Hunter Doll from Bloodborne.

Any plans for future cosplays?

I have quite a few costumes that I’ve started to work on including Black Lady from Sailor Moon, Auriel from Diablo 3, and Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X. I want to continue to grow as a cosplayer and create costumes that challenge me to learn new techniques and work with new materials. I also want to create better versions of costumes from the past.

Favorite video game? Movie? TV show? Band?

My favorite video game series is the Bioshock lineup, and I am very excited to see its next installment. I have so many tattoos that I designed to represent some of my favorite aspects of the games.

My favorite movie is probably Amadeus. I’m not sure I could explain what’s so charming and alluring about that movie but I can’t get enough of it. 

My favorite television show is Dexter. I’m also very fond of Will and Grace. I watch lots of crime shows like Forensic Files and Homicide Hunter with Lieutenant Joe Kenda, he seems like such a chill dude with great stories to tell.

It’s difficult for me to pick a favorite band, but I’m fond of bands like King Conquer, the sound of animals fighting, animal collective, and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes.

I have been getting tattoos since the day after my 18th birthday. Most of them are representative of something very meaningful in my life such as video games, musicians, anime, and literature. I am continuing to add art to my body for more representation of important things such as my love and fascination for tarot cards. I have this full black leg design I am working with my artist on for that aspect of my life.

Out of the cosplays that you have done, is there one that holds a special place in your heart?

I think there are two special cosplays I have created: My Bioshock little sister costume was the first cosplay I won an award with, and always leads to fun and memorable experiences when I wear it at conventions, and I feel that my Bloodborne Hunter Doll costume, which has yet to be worn to a convention due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is my best in terms of construction.

What's the hardest part about cosplaying?

I think the hardest part is finding the patience to work through obstacles that arise during the creation process. I am known to curse at my sewing machine, and I often feel dazed and confused and thus will stare at patterns and materials for extended periods of time questioning how to accomplish my work. I am not a very patient lady, and cosplay can drive me crazy sometimes.

Did you see that they announced a Dexter revival? Do you think that'll be good or bad for the series?

I had not heard of this! After reading some articles and watching the teaser trailer I have to admit I am kind of excited! I am happy to see Michael C. Hall reprise his role as Dexter, I think that is critical to the revival seeing any form of success. I hope that the new episodes have a compelling story about why Dexter’s killer actions have returned, and believe that they could bring a good redemption to what was an awful and seemingly unfitting end.

Outside of cosplay and video games, what are some of your other hobbies?

I love to read and I consider myself a talented singer. Although I limit my singing to when I am around close friends and enjoying karaoke in my car, I have been considering branching out for the sake of musical adventures. I am also searching for a violin teacher so I can learn a new instrument and incorporate that to future musical experiments.

 I don’t always find that I have the time to pick up decent literature but bath time with a nice paperback to relax has always been a comforting way to spend my time. I am currently reading the fourth
installment of George R. R. martin’s A song of Ice and Fire series.

Where can fans find more of you?

