Monday, October 9, 2017

Q&A Interview with Kyahri

Photography by The Shadow Dinosaur

I interviewed Kyahri for this week’s League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight. She and I talk about some of the difficult parts of cosplaying and she also shared some advice for people who want to start getting into cosplay but are naturally shy.

Where are you from?

I am from Glasgow, Scotland but am currently living in England.

Photo by Riot Games
How did you become interested in cosplay?

I started watching anime again. I hadn't seen it since I was younger and watched DBZ and Sailor Moon on TV and then my friend took me to a cosplay meet back in 2010 and I thought it was so cool that people dressed up as their favorite characters. That soon started my love for cosplay and I began attending conventions.

How long have you been cosplaying?

Since 2010 technically but I hand-made my first cosplay in 2013 which was Ahri from League of Legends.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

Ahri was always my favorite champion so I cosplayed her Default, Dynasty, and Pop Star skins. I have also cosplayed Dryad Soraka. Once Jinx was released I went Jinx crazy and have been cosplaying her ever since. So far I've done Classic, Mafia, Star Guardian Jinx as well as my own fan versions!

Who would you say is your favorite champion from the game to play?

I am a filthy support main and my favorite champs to play are Morgana, Zyra and Nami!  I also love to play Ahri and Jinx but can't say I'm terribly good at them…

Photo by David Kane Photography

Do you think there are any champs that are currently legit OP?

I’m going to tell the truth, I haven’t really played LoL as much since Xayah and Rakan came out so I’m not very up to speed with what’s OP right now. I will always hate Yasuo and Vayne, though!

What is the most difficult/complex cosplay that you created by hand?

I personally don’t think I’ve made anything too complex compared to other cosplayers; I just like to slowly learn new techniques and try perfecting them. Recently I’ve been trying to make my own patterns for cosplay and that can be quite challenging. Examples include my Aqua from Konosuba where I spent a lot of time patterning and making sure all my seams were nice and Star Guardian Jinx where I made the pattern from scratch and I also found that very difficult. I’ve also started making her rocket launcher which has been quite hard for me as I’m terrible at making props, haha.

Photo by Progenitor Photography

What's the biggest convention you have ever been to?

Biggest convention I’ve been to is London MCM Comic Con in UK. I haven’t been to many cons but I would like to travel abroad and visit some of the major conventions around the world.

Any advice for someone who wants to get into cosplay but doesn't know how to start or may think they are too shy?

Starting cosplay can be a scary thing especially for a shy person! I’ve always been terribly shy and had problems with anxiety but I feel that when I’m in cosplay as a character I really love, I become them and I feel much more confident. I feel that a lot of people have started viewing cosplay as really competitive and elitist and some people feel like they 'have to' cosplay something to impress others and it takes away the fun of the reason you want to cosplay in the first place!

So my advice would be to choose one of your favorite characters, visit your first convention and have fun. If you are having fun then that's all that matters. There are so many wonderful people who go to conventions so even if you attend it by yourself, by the time the con is over you will have made so many new friends. If you are not good at sewing or making things then there's nothing wrong with buying costumes either. I’ve bought and made cosplays and although making your own cosplay can be really rewarding, it is also very stressful so sometimes I end up enjoying myself a lot more in a costume that I bought.

Photo by GAK Photography

What are some of your hobbies outside of video games and cosplaying?

I don’t have a very interesting life outside of cosplay. It is my main hobby and pastime. If I’m not working on that I usually just end up watching anime or TV. I'm a pretty lazy person.

Where can fans find more of you?

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @Kyahri

Photo by Dajathwi Photography

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Q&A Interview with Natalia Kat

Photographer: Mederos Media

Back by popular demand is the MMOsite League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight. This week’s interview is with Natalia Kat who not only cosplays League of Legends champions but many other characters from various video games and anime. I sat down with her to talk about the game and the art of cosplaying in general.

Where are you from?

I live in Ontario, Canada, but my background is Polish.

Photographer: Lightning Double Dash Baron
How did you become interested in cosplay?

I don't even remember how it exactly happened. My friends and I were the only nerdy girls in grade school. Back in the day being nerdy wasn't considered cool - especially if you were a girl. When we first heard of conventions being a place where nerds could gather together and dress up as their favorite characters, we tried it out and ended up going back every year after that.

How long have you been cosplaying?

I technically first started to cosplay maybe ten or eleven years ago, when my friends and I attempted to cosplay Di Gi Charat characters for Fan Expo. Then I bought a Haruhi Suzumiya cosplay with my savings, and wore that for a few years. But I didn't start taking it more seriously until maybe four or five years ago, and I had more money.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

So far I've cosplayed Morgana and Frejlord Ashe. League of Legends characters are good choices when you want to start challenging yourself with making cosplays. I really want to make Janna and Lux eventually too.

Who is your favorite champion from the game to play?

My favorite is Morgana. I main support and she's probably the most fun for me to play. I also enjoy using Nami, though!

Photographer: Novii Photography

What has been the biggest challenge for you thus far as a cosplayer?

Before, it was simply being able to afford everything. All of the different tools, supplies, contact lenses, wigs, shoes, fabrics, makeup, con tickets, and hotel costs REALLY add up. But we do it because we love it, and we will find ways to be able to keep at it. I would hunt down fabrics from discount bins, use foam instead of worbla, buy base clothing pieces from thrift stores, use coupons, borrow wigs, share supplies, etc. Now, it's just finding the time to do anything. I work full time as well as multiple side jobs, and constantly have to travel between two cities. I still make cosplays and love doing it; it just takes me way more time now. And if I find a cosplay I love for a good price, I'm totally open to buying it.
Photo by Sean’s Photography

There's been some debate lately about whether or not cosplay has become too "sexy" or whether some people enjoy it for the "right" reasons. What's your opinion on this?

I'm not even sure why this is a debate, as it's kind of ridiculous. Sexy cosplay is also cosplay. I've seen plenty of "sexy" cosplays that also took a lot of time and effort to make, with armored parts and weapons. Instead of blaming cosplayers who enjoy dressing sexy, how about we consider the audience that continues to demand it and enjoy that type of content? If a more detailed cosplay makes you feel accomplished and happy, then go ahead and do it! And if you enjoy a sexy character and are confident in cosplaying them, then that's also fine!

What is your favorite convention memory?

Probably Yeticon 2016. I got to go to a pool party, a rave, go zip lining for the first time, and many other attractions that were included with the ticket. It felt more like a resort or vacation with friends than a regular convention. This year, I went back and got to have my own booth, present my first panel, and even win a cosplay award. I do not really like Fan Expo, but last year I was there as media and it was pretty cool. I got to attend the weekend for free, and do an interview with a lead actress from a TV series. I was also forced to attend a lot of panels to write articles about them, and until then I never realized how fun celebrity panels can be. Jack Gleeson (who played Joffrey on Game of Thrones) was a delight.

Are you a fan of video games other than LoL?

Of course! I'm always playing multiple games at once. Right now I'm playing/finishing up The World Ends with You, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, Persona 5, Danganronpa, and Final Fantasy IX. Off the top of my head, I would say that my favorite series are Zero Escape, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Danganronpa, Persona, and Professor Layton. Mainly RPGs, visual novel mysteries, or adventure games.

Outside of games and cosplay, what are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy binge watching horror movies and historical documentaries/TV shows, reading mystery novels, drawing (I'm starting to get into drawing digitally as well), listening to metal or classical music, and thrifting/collecting vintage furniture pieces. I also like to try new things every month or so, and am currently taking samba dance classes. I'm hoping to get back into singing and horseback riding again too.

Where can fans find more of you?




Thursday, December 29, 2016

Q&A Interview with Sa'irai Cosplay

This week’s MMOsite Cosplay Spotlight shines on Sa’irai Cosplay, a fairly new cosplayer from overseas that is also a League of Legends fan. I spoke with Sa’irai about how she got interested in cosplay and found out something many people don’t know about her.

So where are you from?

I am from the Netherlands.

How did you first get into cosplaying?

I haven't been cosplaying for that long! I started last December, actually. I got into it because I have been a gamer for about seven years now and many people online talked about cosplayers. I went to search for it and decided to go to a convention and try it out for myself!

Picture by
Who is your favorite League of Legends champion?

Miss Fortune, I think. After that is probably Katarina.

Which champions have you cosplayed thus far?

Only Red Card Katarina so far but many to come!

What other champs do you want to cosplay?

I'm planning on cosplaying Janna and Star Guardian Jinx very soon.

What's the number one champion that you HATE being matched up against in LoL?

Probably Sivir or LeBlanc because I always lose track of who the real one is and end up killing her replica.

Favorite video games other than LoL?

Aion, Blade and Soul, and Black Desert Online.

Ah so you're an MMORPG player then? What about World of Warcraft?

Yes I am. I have tried World of Warcraft but I didn't like it as much. Probably due the graphics but it has been a long time so that may have changed.

Picture by
What would you say has been the biggest challenge you've faced as you learn more about cosplaying?

Props are the biggest challenge to me right now. I'm always so afraid to start on them because I’m worried I’ll ruin it and lose money on materials.

What are some of your hobbies outside of gaming and cosplay?

I love drawing, reading, and swimming.

Tell me something about yourself not many people know but fellow nerds might find interesting.

I'm actually a sports person too! I don't only game, I love to go to the gym and run. It kind of balances out being extremely lazy and gaming so much.

Anything else you'd like to add?

If you want to get into cosplay, totally do it! Watch Youtube videos and go to a convention near you at least once. It is a lot of fun and a complete new experience. If you have any questions about it you can totally reach my Facebook page Sa'irai Cosplay and ask me anything!

I hope you all have a great day!