Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Q&A Interview with Maizy Marzipan

This week’s interview is with Maizy Marzipan, a cosplayer and alternative model who has been featured in several international publications.

Where are you from?

I am from Glasgow in Scotland.

How did you become interested in cosplay?

I have always enjoyed dressing up as characters from movies and games from a young age so before I even knew what cosplay was I was doing it! In terms of attending cons in cosplay, however, it has only been a few years.

So before you knew about cosplay you'd just dress up as movie characters in regular old every day life?

I wouldn't say in every day life but any kind of party I would demand people came dressed up. Any excuse I had to throw a costume party!

How long have you been cosplaying at conventions?

I've been unintentionally cosplaying for years but I would say that I first started creating costumes and taking part in cons around 2015.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

I can't get enough of cosplaying League of Legends characters! It is my favorite game. The champions are all so full of life and character. So far I have cosplayed (in order) Teemo, Gnar, Bandit Sivir, Ahri, Nurse Akali, and Nidalee - my absolute dream cosplay would be Xayah so I am hoping to work on that in 2018! 

Who is your favorite champion from League of Legends to play?

I adore playing League; I stream it almost every night of the week on Twitch, I met almost all of my friends as well as my boyfriend through League, too! Right now I love playing Malzahar (don't judge me please!) I also play Vel'koz a fair bit. I am a mid/support main and I am loving Blitzcrank and Braum ever since the ardent nerf in preseason.

So you met your boyfriend playing League? Seems like most guys' fantasy come true. Was it online? Can you tell me more about that?

I met my boyfriend at a fan meetup of ex pro player Snoopeh, and we became friends. I was shoutcasting local League tournaments and working events for Riot and we ended up at a few of them together. He's a League of Legends YouTuber (his channel is RossBoomsocks) and I am a streamer/cosplayer so it works out! We get to work and play together. I am currently forcing him to play support.

Do you play any video games other than LoL?

Right now I'm playing through Breath of the Wild and Danganronpa but I mostly play League just now.

What are some of your favorite movies?

Little Miss Sunshine is my absolute favorite film of all time! 

What is your favorite part about cosplaying? What about least favorite part?

So far my least favorite thing would be the attitude of some of the community. I've found it to be pretty elitist and exclusive. I've worked in the modeling industry for three years and it's infinitely less nasty than my experience with the cosplay scene which really surprised me.

My favorite part though is the events! I love going to London and Glasgow MCMs and seeing all the amazing cosplays. London MCM feels like a whole other world and its fun to get lost in that.

The good outweighs the bad and a few elitist people don’t detract the joy I have for cosplay!

Outside of cosplay and video games, what are some of your other hobbies?

I do spend the majority of my time playing video games either as part of my stream or for leisure but I am a full time model for a job although I do regard that as a bit of a hobby.

Where can fans find more of you?

And on Twitter at @MaizyMarzipan

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Q&A Interview with Ashavari

Photo by Trillance photography

This week’s MMOsite Cosplay Spotlight is an interview with one of my favorite cosplayers, Ashavari. I spoke with her about the differences between modeling and cosplaying, what it’s like to cosplay at conventions as opposed to simply attending them, and of course League of Legends.

Where are you from?

I'm an Indian-Canadian alternative model and cosplayer based in Toronto, Canada.

How did you become interested in cosplay?

I've always been passionate about costuming, but the first time I was introduced to the convention scene was when Fan Expo 2011 was happening. My friend and I were really into the Underworld movie series at the time, and so I decided to dress up as Selene from Underworld!

How long have you been cosplaying?

I've been cosplaying for six years now.

Photo by RS Photography

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

I've cosplayed Shadow Evelynn, Pentakill Sona, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Goth Annie, Pool Party Ahri and Classic Ahri.

Who is your favorite champion from the game to play?

I LOVE Morgana! She's one of the first champions I learned to play and to this day she is my main! Her skins are so badass, too. I plan to cosplay her classic skin, the blackthorn skin, and also her Halloween one!

Any other current plans for future LoL cosplays?

Absolutely! In addition to Blackthorn Morgana and Bewitching Morgana (since Morg is my main and my favourite champion), I also have plans to cosplay the dark form of Elementalist Lux, Aristocrat Vayne, Blood Moon Diana and Nurse Akali at some point.

Photo by Wandering Eyebubble

What are some of the differences between modeling or a photo shoot and cosplaying at conventions?

There are a ton of differences! A photo shoot is usually in a more controlled environment. As someone that models, you aren't always experienced with the costuming or doing artistic direction for the photo shoot. I personally have experience with art direction and wardrobe-styling too, but it's not common for models to provide that for their photo shoots.

With cosplaying at a convention, you completely lack control of the environment you are shooting in. You are usually forced to work within the confines of the convention building or just outside and around it. Often, the lighting situations can be sub-par and photographers have to make sure they are fully prepared with their own travel-friendly gear to ensure that their photos will turn out exactly as they envisioned. As a cosplayer at a con, there are many more people trying to take photos of you and you always have to be careful and mindful of the cosplay that you are wearing in case it gets damaged by others.

I have only ever attended conventions as a fan. Walk me through what a day is like at a convention for a cosplayer.

Sure thing! It can be extremely fun but also very exhausting. Usually the first few hours are spent assembling and getting ready to attend the con. Sometimes that means last minute sewing, hot glue and patch-work to make sure that your costume is ready for the day! Before leaving for the con, you have to be mindful of how to pack necessities and where to keep your phone, because you need them with you at all times. Once you attend the con, depending on your costume and how recognizable it is or how much you stand out, people will always come up to you and ask for photos. They will often stop you every step of the way when you try to get from point A to point B. At first, this is a really fun experience and you have the energy to fully get into character. However, as the day moves on and you get hungry and tired, it can be very draining to be constantly surrounded by people who expect you to stay in character. It's a lot more effort and a lot more work than one would think.

It's always nice to have an out-of-cosplay friend who can hold on to some of your necessities (like your phone and wallet), and stay with you to keep you company. As a cosplayer, it's very easy to lose the friends you came with. Since you get stopped so often for photos and your friends want to keep on going, it takes only about five minutes for you to completely lose them and be lost in a sea of people. That being said, there are a lot of great interactions to be had with other cosplayers, networking prospects and more! It's a great way to meet new people and step out of your comfort zone!

Photo by Think Nu

You mentioned you were an Underworld fan. Have you seen the latest Underworld movie, Blood Wars?

I actually have not watched that one! I was extremely disappointed by the fourth movie, Awakening, and felt that I could no longer continue the series. For me, the first three movies are literally perfect and I was very satisfied with how they ended.

So outside of video games and cosplaying what are some of your other hobbies?

I have a lot of hobbies actually! Aside from doing alternative modeling on the side, I am also a singer/songwriter. I used to play in a metal band for four years and I still try to collaborate with other musicians on Youtube every now and then. In fact, I did an a capella cover of Diana's Theme from the League of Legends soundtrack and I plan to do it again with a proper recording. I also may have more League music covers in the works, but you'll have to be subscribed to my Youtube channel for updates on that! Haha

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Q&A Interview with Kinpatsu Cosplay

This week’s MMOsite League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight is an interview with Kinpatsu Cosplay, an award-winning cosplayer who has cosplayed more than her fair share of League of Legends champions and loves anime, gaming, and cats.

Where are you from?

I'm from Johannesburg, South Africa

How did you become interested in cosplay?

I went to my first convention in 2011 which was the first time I'd ever seen cosplay in my country. I was immediately interested in it because it was just a combination of so many things I loved.

How long have you personally been cosplaying?

I have been cosplaying for five years now.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

Whew okay so I've cosplayed Riven, Jinx, Syndra, Katarina, Ironscale Shyvana, Officer Vi, Kayle, Star Guardian Janna, Star Guardian Ahri, Thresh, Rengar, Blood Moon Diana, Dark Elementalist Lux, Slayer Jinx, two versions of Kindred, Xayah, and Arcade Miss Fortune.

That's a lot of champions! Which one has been your favorite?

My favorite League cosplay is Syndra.

Who is your favorite champion from the game to play?

I like to think I can play Jinx. She is the most fun to play but I'm probably best at playing Kayle.

Any future plans for other LoL-cosplays?

Yes! I'm working on another one right now!

What's the convention scene look like over in South Africa? Are there many to attend?

We have about three to five big conventions that happen each year. We don't have as many as the United States and Europe but it grows and gets bigger each year!

What are some of your hobbies outside of cosplay and video games?

Unfortunately I don't really get time to do much else! But that's okay because gaming and cosplay are more than enough for me.

Okay so what other games do you play aside from LoL?

Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch are the other main games I enjoy playing at the moment!

Do you have any advice for first-time cosplayers just starting out?

Don't be scared to try new things and push yourself! And if you do fail don't get discouraged because that's how you learn and the next time you do it, it will get easier!

Where can fans see more of you?

My website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @KinpatsuCosplay.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Q&A Interview with Tiffany Witcher

Cosplayer and voice actor TWVoices is featured in this week’s MMOsite League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight. Tiffany Witcher is a disabled east coast cosplayer most noted for her video game cosplays and being an advocate against cosplay bullying. She has even been featured in the Summoner’s Showcase. I spoke with her about cosplaying and of course League of Legends in general.

Where are you from?

I'm from Washington D.C. but I currently live in Toronto, Canada.

How did you become interested in cosplay?

Going to many conventions and seeing people in costume. I wanted to do it but at the time I couldn't due to lack of funds.

Is cosplay expensive to get into? 

I believe it's how you make it. You can make cosplaying expensive to get into or you can start small and do a budget-based cosplay to get the feel of it.

How long have you been cosplaying?

Six years now.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

Oh that's a lot. Classic Karma, reworked Karma, Illaoi, Safecracker Evelynn, Genderbend Ryze, Bard, Genderbend Coperate Mundo, Battle Bunny Illaoi and more casual ones as well.

Who is your favorite champion from the game to play?

It really depends on the mode, I'm a support main so I enjoy playing Rakan, Sona, Karma and Soraka. Now if we're talking URF mode then I love playing Sona, Karma, Illaoi and yes Teemo.

What do you think are some of the challenges of cosplay that most people don't realize cosplayers face?

Besides being a POC cosplayer, I also suffer from Lupus. I don't get to move around or have as much of a presence at conventions because my body hurts and I feel fatigued a lot. Being a black cosplayer is also hard due to the constant harassment I have received for cosplaying a character out of my skin color without also altering my skin color such as my Steampunk Sailor Mercury.

What was the first cosplay you have ever done?

Lana Kane from Archer.

So you are also a voice actor?

Yes, I voice act currently for dozens of indie games and animations. One day Riot senpai will notice me!

What is one character you'd like to cosplay the most but haven't been able to yet?

I want to cosplay Illaoi more; she's just an amazing character all around and I love being her. I've only been able to cosplay her once.

Outside of cosplay and gaming what are some of your other hobbies?

Of course I do voice acting but I also sing as well.

Do you have any advice for beginning cosplayers?

Cosplay for yourself and have fun doing it. Try not to listen to the negativity of others and always try to be respectful in the community.

Where can fans see more of you?

My website,

Monday, October 9, 2017

Q&A Interview with Kyahri

Photography by The Shadow Dinosaur

I interviewed Kyahri for this week’s League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight. She and I talk about some of the difficult parts of cosplaying and she also shared some advice for people who want to start getting into cosplay but are naturally shy.

Where are you from?

I am from Glasgow, Scotland but am currently living in England.

Photo by Riot Games
How did you become interested in cosplay?

I started watching anime again. I hadn't seen it since I was younger and watched DBZ and Sailor Moon on TV and then my friend took me to a cosplay meet back in 2010 and I thought it was so cool that people dressed up as their favorite characters. That soon started my love for cosplay and I began attending conventions.

How long have you been cosplaying?

Since 2010 technically but I hand-made my first cosplay in 2013 which was Ahri from League of Legends.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

Ahri was always my favorite champion so I cosplayed her Default, Dynasty, and Pop Star skins. I have also cosplayed Dryad Soraka. Once Jinx was released I went Jinx crazy and have been cosplaying her ever since. So far I've done Classic, Mafia, Star Guardian Jinx as well as my own fan versions!

Who would you say is your favorite champion from the game to play?

I am a filthy support main and my favorite champs to play are Morgana, Zyra and Nami!  I also love to play Ahri and Jinx but can't say I'm terribly good at them…

Photo by David Kane Photography

Do you think there are any champs that are currently legit OP?

I’m going to tell the truth, I haven’t really played LoL as much since Xayah and Rakan came out so I’m not very up to speed with what’s OP right now. I will always hate Yasuo and Vayne, though!

What is the most difficult/complex cosplay that you created by hand?

I personally don’t think I’ve made anything too complex compared to other cosplayers; I just like to slowly learn new techniques and try perfecting them. Recently I’ve been trying to make my own patterns for cosplay and that can be quite challenging. Examples include my Aqua from Konosuba where I spent a lot of time patterning and making sure all my seams were nice and Star Guardian Jinx where I made the pattern from scratch and I also found that very difficult. I’ve also started making her rocket launcher which has been quite hard for me as I’m terrible at making props, haha.

Photo by Progenitor Photography

What's the biggest convention you have ever been to?

Biggest convention I’ve been to is London MCM Comic Con in UK. I haven’t been to many cons but I would like to travel abroad and visit some of the major conventions around the world.

Any advice for someone who wants to get into cosplay but doesn't know how to start or may think they are too shy?

Starting cosplay can be a scary thing especially for a shy person! I’ve always been terribly shy and had problems with anxiety but I feel that when I’m in cosplay as a character I really love, I become them and I feel much more confident. I feel that a lot of people have started viewing cosplay as really competitive and elitist and some people feel like they 'have to' cosplay something to impress others and it takes away the fun of the reason you want to cosplay in the first place!

So my advice would be to choose one of your favorite characters, visit your first convention and have fun. If you are having fun then that's all that matters. There are so many wonderful people who go to conventions so even if you attend it by yourself, by the time the con is over you will have made so many new friends. If you are not good at sewing or making things then there's nothing wrong with buying costumes either. I’ve bought and made cosplays and although making your own cosplay can be really rewarding, it is also very stressful so sometimes I end up enjoying myself a lot more in a costume that I bought.

Photo by GAK Photography

What are some of your hobbies outside of video games and cosplaying?

I don’t have a very interesting life outside of cosplay. It is my main hobby and pastime. If I’m not working on that I usually just end up watching anime or TV. I'm a pretty lazy person.

Where can fans find more of you?

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @Kyahri

Photo by Dajathwi Photography

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Q&A Interview with Natalia Kat

Photographer: Mederos Media

Back by popular demand is the MMOsite League of Legends Cosplay Spotlight. This week’s interview is with Natalia Kat who not only cosplays League of Legends champions but many other characters from various video games and anime. I sat down with her to talk about the game and the art of cosplaying in general.

Where are you from?

I live in Ontario, Canada, but my background is Polish.

Photographer: Lightning Double Dash Baron
How did you become interested in cosplay?

I don't even remember how it exactly happened. My friends and I were the only nerdy girls in grade school. Back in the day being nerdy wasn't considered cool - especially if you were a girl. When we first heard of conventions being a place where nerds could gather together and dress up as their favorite characters, we tried it out and ended up going back every year after that.

How long have you been cosplaying?

I technically first started to cosplay maybe ten or eleven years ago, when my friends and I attempted to cosplay Di Gi Charat characters for Fan Expo. Then I bought a Haruhi Suzumiya cosplay with my savings, and wore that for a few years. But I didn't start taking it more seriously until maybe four or five years ago, and I had more money.

Which LoL champions have you cosplayed so far?

So far I've cosplayed Morgana and Frejlord Ashe. League of Legends characters are good choices when you want to start challenging yourself with making cosplays. I really want to make Janna and Lux eventually too.

Who is your favorite champion from the game to play?

My favorite is Morgana. I main support and she's probably the most fun for me to play. I also enjoy using Nami, though!

Photographer: Novii Photography

What has been the biggest challenge for you thus far as a cosplayer?

Before, it was simply being able to afford everything. All of the different tools, supplies, contact lenses, wigs, shoes, fabrics, makeup, con tickets, and hotel costs REALLY add up. But we do it because we love it, and we will find ways to be able to keep at it. I would hunt down fabrics from discount bins, use foam instead of worbla, buy base clothing pieces from thrift stores, use coupons, borrow wigs, share supplies, etc. Now, it's just finding the time to do anything. I work full time as well as multiple side jobs, and constantly have to travel between two cities. I still make cosplays and love doing it; it just takes me way more time now. And if I find a cosplay I love for a good price, I'm totally open to buying it.
Photo by Sean’s Photography

There's been some debate lately about whether or not cosplay has become too "sexy" or whether some people enjoy it for the "right" reasons. What's your opinion on this?

I'm not even sure why this is a debate, as it's kind of ridiculous. Sexy cosplay is also cosplay. I've seen plenty of "sexy" cosplays that also took a lot of time and effort to make, with armored parts and weapons. Instead of blaming cosplayers who enjoy dressing sexy, how about we consider the audience that continues to demand it and enjoy that type of content? If a more detailed cosplay makes you feel accomplished and happy, then go ahead and do it! And if you enjoy a sexy character and are confident in cosplaying them, then that's also fine!

What is your favorite convention memory?

Probably Yeticon 2016. I got to go to a pool party, a rave, go zip lining for the first time, and many other attractions that were included with the ticket. It felt more like a resort or vacation with friends than a regular convention. This year, I went back and got to have my own booth, present my first panel, and even win a cosplay award. I do not really like Fan Expo, but last year I was there as media and it was pretty cool. I got to attend the weekend for free, and do an interview with a lead actress from a TV series. I was also forced to attend a lot of panels to write articles about them, and until then I never realized how fun celebrity panels can be. Jack Gleeson (who played Joffrey on Game of Thrones) was a delight.

Are you a fan of video games other than LoL?

Of course! I'm always playing multiple games at once. Right now I'm playing/finishing up The World Ends with You, Chrono Trigger, Radiant Historia, Persona 5, Danganronpa, and Final Fantasy IX. Off the top of my head, I would say that my favorite series are Zero Escape, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Danganronpa, Persona, and Professor Layton. Mainly RPGs, visual novel mysteries, or adventure games.

Outside of games and cosplay, what are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy binge watching horror movies and historical documentaries/TV shows, reading mystery novels, drawing (I'm starting to get into drawing digitally as well), listening to metal or classical music, and thrifting/collecting vintage furniture pieces. I also like to try new things every month or so, and am currently taking samba dance classes. I'm hoping to get back into singing and horseback riding again too.

Where can fans find more of you?




Thursday, December 29, 2016

Q&A Interview with Sa'irai Cosplay

This week’s MMOsite Cosplay Spotlight shines on Sa’irai Cosplay, a fairly new cosplayer from overseas that is also a League of Legends fan. I spoke with Sa’irai about how she got interested in cosplay and found out something many people don’t know about her.

So where are you from?

I am from the Netherlands.

How did you first get into cosplaying?

I haven't been cosplaying for that long! I started last December, actually. I got into it because I have been a gamer for about seven years now and many people online talked about cosplayers. I went to search for it and decided to go to a convention and try it out for myself!

Picture by
Who is your favorite League of Legends champion?

Miss Fortune, I think. After that is probably Katarina.

Which champions have you cosplayed thus far?

Only Red Card Katarina so far but many to come!

What other champs do you want to cosplay?

I'm planning on cosplaying Janna and Star Guardian Jinx very soon.

What's the number one champion that you HATE being matched up against in LoL?

Probably Sivir or LeBlanc because I always lose track of who the real one is and end up killing her replica.

Favorite video games other than LoL?

Aion, Blade and Soul, and Black Desert Online.

Ah so you're an MMORPG player then? What about World of Warcraft?

Yes I am. I have tried World of Warcraft but I didn't like it as much. Probably due the graphics but it has been a long time so that may have changed.

Picture by
What would you say has been the biggest challenge you've faced as you learn more about cosplaying?

Props are the biggest challenge to me right now. I'm always so afraid to start on them because I’m worried I’ll ruin it and lose money on materials.

What are some of your hobbies outside of gaming and cosplay?

I love drawing, reading, and swimming.

Tell me something about yourself not many people know but fellow nerds might find interesting.

I'm actually a sports person too! I don't only game, I love to go to the gym and run. It kind of balances out being extremely lazy and gaming so much.

Anything else you'd like to add?

If you want to get into cosplay, totally do it! Watch Youtube videos and go to a convention near you at least once. It is a lot of fun and a complete new experience. If you have any questions about it you can totally reach my Facebook page Sa'irai Cosplay and ask me anything!

I hope you all have a great day!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Q&A Interview with Malice Cosplay

Photo by Tetsuya Cosplay

This week’s MMOsite Cosplay Spotlight is Malice Cosplay, an amazing and versatile cosplayer I met on a League of Legends cosplay Facebook group. I sat down with Malice to talk about the game and the art of cosplaying in general.

Where are you from?

I'm from Québec, Canada.
Photo by David Ngo

How did you first get into cosplaying?

I used to wear a lot of random stuff as a kid and wear costumes. My friend brought me to a small cosplay con in 2013, and if I’m not wrong he told me to put my Halloween cosplay on and that was my Alice Madness dress. I had a lot of fun. After that I looked for tutorials to do my own stuff and ended up following a lot of cosplayers that still inspire me today.

Who is your favorite League of Legends champion? 

My favorite champ is Lulu! I love her she's so darn cute. I used to play her all the time. I also love to play Caitlyn and Jinx. My favorite champs for the design are Syndra and Shyvana. They are both my cosplay dream.

Which champions have you cosplayed thus far?

Bittersweet Lulu, Dynasty Ahri, and Snowstorm Sivir. I rushed Vel’Koz for a con right after his release. I also rushed Alistar to duo with a friend.

Any plans for future LoL cosplays?

I'm working on Syndra now, FINALLY! I tried years ago and wasn’t happy so I put it aside for awhile. I feel like I have more skills now and it’s time to use it. I really want to take my time and be happy with the result.

Favorite video games other than LoL?

I love solo games like the Tomb Raiders and DmC: Devil May Cry. I play a lot of games with my friends. Sometimes what’s important isn’t necessarily the game itself but who you play with!

Photo by Novii Photography, costume by Hi, Stranger Creations

What is the most challenging part of cosplay in your opinion?

To not give up. That’s probably the most challenging for me anyway, hahaha. With my busy life sometimes it’s hard to get some motivation to work on a costume especially when things fail. I always fail some part and have to re-do them because I’m not happy but that’s how we learn and get better.

What about the most fun part?

The final product. It’s so satisfying. When you go to a con and people recognize your costume and like it. You can tell yourself, ''Hey I made it. I finally made it and it was worth it!'' To be part of a group, be proud. We wear uncomfortable costumes, heavy wigs, contact lenses, and high heels. We suffer, we don’t sleep enough, don’t eat enough during a con, sometimes wondering why we are doing it and after all that we still can't wait for the next con.

What is the furthest you have traveled for a con?

I went to Katsucon. We went by car and it took us 15 hours to get there. By the end I didn’t even know how to sit anymore because nothing seemed comfortable. But the con was beautiful and it was such a good weekend!

Photo by CP Photographie, Setting by Lexa One Photographie,
Makeup by CandyKiller

How does cosplaying for a convention differ from cosplaying specifically for a photo shoot?

I think conventions are way more stressful and painful than a photo shoot. There's a ton of people everywhere. You forget to eat; people bump into you (sometimes your costume even suffers from it). You can be a statue for hours because everyone wants a picture with you. You're dead after a day.

For a photo shoot, you can take more time. You know the pictures will usually be better than the one a stranger will take of you eating your sandwich at the con (without asking permission of course it always happens!)  It's usually friendly and more relaxed. You can take a break if needed (something you can barely do during a con). You can use more accessories, huge props, which you don’t always want to carry around during the day.

I love both but they are completely different experiences.

Outside of video games and cosplaying what are some of your other hobbies?

I love to dance. I dance all the time even though I never took any dance classes or anything. I love a lot of different styles and I try to learn some dances I see on video clips and movies since I’m young.

Picture by Martin Labbe Photography, Setting by Lexa One Photographie,
Makeup by CandyKiller

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I just want to tell people who want to cosplay or start cosplaying that they really should do it for themselves first. Even if you want a fan base or wish to eventually make a living out of that, people can feel it when you do a cosplay for yourself. It shows through on pictures. We are always more proud of stuff we do for ourselves than costumes we do to please others. Take your time; we are always learning and we are always improving!

Where can fans find more of you?



Picture by Don Dolce Photography

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Q&A Interview with Pam's Snow Stage

This week’s Cosplay Spotlight features Pam’s Snow Stage, an up and coming cosplayer whose popularity has been growing recently. Her page has recently eclipsed three thousand likes and four thousand is already within sight. I sat down with her to talk about cosplaying and video games.

Where are you from?

I am from Brazil.

How did you first get into cosplaying?

I started to cosplay in 2006. I was 16 years old, so young and full of dreams. For me be your favorite characters was so nice and has been an awesome experience from the first time.

What does “Pam's Snow Stage” mean? Can you explain the meaning behind the name?

Well, my page's name meaning is that I always wanted a good name for my page, nothing like just "my name plus cosplay," and I saw some other cosplayers that used a name that means a place like "wardrobe" or "land.”

But this was a difficult task, because it had to be an original name. So, “Snow Stage” because I always do blue characters or characters with some relationship to the ice and snow. Then “Stage” because a stage is a place where people show off their abilities like dancing, singing, or whatever. My page is the place where I showcase my works for the community and so “Stage” seemed like a good name.

Who is your favorite League of Legends champion?

Jinx. I love to play her and love her personality; she's so lively and cheerful! (and also pretty crazy hahaha).

Which champions have you cosplayed thus far?

So far I have only cosplayed as Teemo.

Any plans for future LoL cosplays?

I am planning to do Firecracker Jinx because it is my favorite skin of hers. But I also want to do Sweetheart Sona and someone from the Star Guardians.

Favorite video games other than LoL? 

I love Final Fantasy, Chrono Cross, and lots of games from Square Enix. I am huge fan of Legend of Zelda and recently I have been playing a lot of Overwatch.

What do you think about the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake? Are you excited for it, or skeptical of it?

I am very excited about it! Final Fantasy is one of my favorite video game franchises and the VII was one of my favorites as a kid. I played all the spin offs that I could (like Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus) and to see this game getting remade like that is awesome and I am very happy to be alive to see that.

Who is one LoL character you think is under-represented in the cosplay community?

I actually think all characters are very well represented, League of Legends is very popular among cosplayers and even the craziest and difficult characters have been cosplayed.

Does it ever snow in Brazil?

Yes! I live in southern Brazil and sometimes it is very cold here. It snows quite often in some cities near where I live (like the city of Gramado). The snow though is different from other countries; it isn't soft and the flakes are very tiny, not a lot like in others countries.

Is there a big cosplay/convention scene down there? 

Yes, here in Brazil we have some of the best cosplayers in the world. World Cosplay Summit is very big here and we have some large contests that people from all states come to participate in. People here are very competitive and they cosplay with a lot of materials that we don’t normally use. It’s a very dedicated scene!

What are some of your hobbies outside of gaming and cosplay?

Well video games and cosplay take me a lot of time and dedication, so it is just those two hobbies that I have.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I would thank you for the opportunity.  If someone wants to know more about me or see my other cosplays, please visit my Facebook page.

Cosplay is a beautiful hobby and we always have a duty to make it stay safe. Be kind to everyone and encourage more people to enter into the cosplay world. That is how it will grow as a hobby and become even better.

And that's it. A big kiss for everybody!


For more images visit her Facebook page.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Q&A Interview with Lullabie & Props

MMOsite recently had the chance to sit down with Cosplay Lullabie & Props, a Canadian gamer and cosplayer that is into League of Legends. She explains her passion for cosplay and also teaches us how to trash talk to a noob in French.

Where are you from?

I'm originally from Canada, South of Montréal.

How did you first get into cosplaying?

The first time I got into cosplay was when I was planning to go see a French friend from France who told me the Japan Expo was coming during the summer. I managed to throw together some simple outfits I and really loved this first experience with cosplay.

Who is your favorite League of Legends champion?

The only one I’ve cosplayed, for now, is Jinx. She is absolutely adorable and of course crazy, which is amusing. Her appearance isn't something we see very often in games, so she caught my eye immediately.

Any plans for future LoL cosplays?

Yes, I do! I am planning to cosplay Katarina in her classic skin, as I'm a lover of original characters. Some new skins are beautiful, but in my opinion classics are the best.

Favorite video games other than LoL?

My favorite video games are honestly Zelda from Nintendo, being a fan of this series since I was seven years old. Same with World of Warcraft. I’ve been playing that since I was six years old. Then, I also got into Overwatch recently!

What's the easiest cosplay you've ever made?

So, the easiest cosplay I have made was Ritsuka from Loveless when I started cosplaying in 2013. It was to be with a friend, this way we could make a duo.

How would one say "get owned noob" in French?

Honestly, I'm not even sure what this expression means haha, but a noob is for us, if I am right, someone playing badly in video games or doing foolish things to annoy people.

I do not want to say it wrong, but maybe noob would be something like “Espèce d'incompétant, de nul!”

In a neutral way!

What are some of your hobbies outside of cosplay and video games? 

My first hobby is drawing. I’ve loved to draw characters since I was just one year old! Crafting things is another hobby of mine, even outside of cosplay. Making stuff for Halloween, Christmas, etc.

What is your favorite cosplay memory since you started cosplaying?

Favorite moment would definitively be when I got a fan of Jinx all excited behind her prints-selling table at Otakuthon when she said we looked like characters straight out of the game, haha! (Me as Jinx and my best friend as Ashe), then I received a very pretty Jinx poster from her!

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Last thing I would say is that I really hope to bring more characters to life to the best of my abilities in cosplay and to not let people saying you can't! I'm still improving my costumes skills since 2013.

Where can fans find more of you?

On Facebook here.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Q&A Interview with Onyxeia

You may recognize this image from our main site banner

It is thrilling to meet with Onyxeia, who is a cosplay lover and who is good at delivering awesome cosplay work. Let's start from her Nidalee cosplay:

Where are you from?

Summoner’s Rift! Haha, no I'm from Sussex in the UK.

How did you first get into cosplaying?

I have always been into games, from a young age, watching my older brother play the Sega Mega Drive, and then playing it myself when I was a little older. So when I got the opportunity to visit Comic-Con I was super excited. There I saw a few people dressed up as characters from TV shows and movies that I watch and was just in awe of them. Since then I've been interested in cosplay. What's better than dressing up as your favorite character?

Speaking of TV shows, tell me a few of your favorites.

I practically live off of Family Guy, haha. I also love older stuff like Red Dwarf, Bottom, and The Young Ones.

So who is your favorite League of Legends champion?

It actually changes all the time, haha. But I really love Kayle and Janna.

Which champions have you cosplayed thus far?

I have only cosplayed Classic Nidalee so far.

Any plans for future LoL cosplays?

Oh yes, I have a very long list. I'd love to do Katarina and Janna.

I think you'd be an awesome Janna! What skin were you thinking?

Thank you! I'd like to do her Tempest skin.

Favorite video games other than LoL?

Some of my favorite games are Street Fighter, Dragon’s Lair Time Warp, Guitar Hero, and The Lost Vikings, but my ultimate favorite is World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft huh? I didn't know people even still played that. How long have you been playing? What keeps the game fresh for you after so long?

Yeah it’s still really big! I haven't been able to play in a long time, you know with work and adulting, haha. But my other half plays quite seriously and I get my fill from reading the lore and character histories.

What's the cosplay/convention scene like in the UK?

Well our main con is MCM and it's super busy. In terms of cosplay I don't think it's as big over here as it seems to be elsewhere in the world. I think it's still fairly new in the UK.

What's the funniest thing that's happened to you while cosplaying?

It would have to be at the photoshoot for my Nidalee. I was climbing around on a fallen tree trunk and jumped down, though unlike a cat, I face planted the ground. Don't think I've seen my friend laugh like that before…

What are some of your hobbies outside of cosplay and gaming?

Other than cosplay and gaming, I'd say my job is also one of my hobbies. I'm a tattoo apprentice and I work with some of my best friends. I love doing my alternative and fantasy modeling as well as looking after my pets and listening to metal.

Tell me about the tattoos that you have.

I currently have about eight tattoos, though it's quickly growing, haha. I have two dragons, a half sleeve of skulls and roses, a shark, a bunny, some Viking symbols and Iron Maiden’s mascot, Eddie.

What is the first one that you got?

My first was a Viking dragon on my back.

Do you ever conceal them while cosplaying?

I only conceal them for some cosplay shoots if I think it doesn't suit the character but I love showing my tattoos in cosplay.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Just that I'm super hyped about all the new things happening for me! I'll be guesting at a few smaller cons in the UK and I'm starting to sell prints! Exciting!

Where can fans find more of you?